CustomizationBirth tilesA birth tile can be done with a standard decor or with your own design. Often the birth announcement is taken as the starting point. This can of course also be done on pottery, such as a mug or a plate.Promotional giftsA classic Dutch piece of pottery with a personal touch is of course extremely suitable for business relations. This could include tiles as well as pottery or, for example, our craft pizza stone. Endless possibilitiesBecause we make everything by hand, everything is possible in terms of design, but also in terms of edition you can think of having only 1 piece made. We do of course charge the design costs.Occasional potteryWhen it comes to occasions, we naturally have more options than just birth tiles and promotional gifts. We also have Wedding Tiles, Wedding Signs, Anniversary Signs and Tiles. You can choose a design from our standard collection or submit your own design.
Assortiment type: tailormade